Thursday, January 22, 2009

more random stuff found on the interwebs while neither working nor playing.

as i'm sure you do, i see a LOT of random stuff in my daily musings/wanderings (online and off). i occasionally save them to my desktop, and do nothing with them. well that's going to change. i've actually already done this once or twice, but

let's start with a classic. this one always cracks me up...

i am still amazed and in envy (of both the receiving child, and the artistic ingenuity of the father) of LunchBag Art. basically every day on HIS lunch break, a dad draws some awesome sci-fi culture onto his kids lunchbag for the next day. i hope i'm that cool of a dad when i grow up. here are some recent highlights (see if you can name all 3!)...

after a couple of years of using other people's Wii's (we even had a few games/wiimotes of our own), my girlfriend + i finally got our OWN Wii. my former roommate was nice enough to send me a TON of my the Miis of all my Cincinnati friends. it's like i never left!

for Christmas, my girlfriend got Wii Fit. after one of my Yoga exercises, here was my initial score...

afterwards, i went and made a sandwich ("i eat because i'm unhappy, and i'm unhappy because i eat) that the Cinci Bagel Stop has got nothing on...

since we're on the topic of food, i thought this cupcake design was genius.

i spent a snowy afternoon in my storage unit (where 95% of my worldly posessions are) trying to unearth a single piece of furniture (which wound up being in the very back, leading me to take EVERYTHING out of the unit). i also went chair shopping for my new home office. i still haven't found what i'm looking for, so the big green exercise ball will continue to suffice

holy frak! the beginning of the end (last half of the final season) of BattleStar Galactica started this past week. loved the targetted advertising that i was seeing. i missed the debut of the new episode, as i was in Toronto at an improv show. while there, i saw the following flyer for some AWESOME satire...

some fantastic "Simponsized" BSG fan art:

upon returning to suburban NY, i was taken to the Rockland Bakery, where i was able to pull fresh bagels straight off the line. genius!

this was posted by my buddy Sean awhile ago. i thought it was genius. but then again, i have to come to expect such things from Sean:

i plan to dress up as the Baumer for Christmas one day, as the RT is still one of my favorite movies (too bad he now has his own tshirt which might just give it away). if you don't get it or like it, we must cease our friendship immediately.

omg. don't even get me started about this past Tuesday. i'll simply just make another allusion to the very special Spidey backup story? why i like PRESIDENT Barry so much (let me count the ways), it's his cool nature, even under fire (read the bottom right balloon, the one at the top is being spoken by [SPOILER ALERT!] the Chameleon masquerading as the Prez):

in all (un)serioiusness though, ONE of my favorite parts was the closing benediction by former civil rights activist Dr. Joseph Lowery. one part in particular. jump to 4:30 specifically to see what i'm talking about.

you know what was even better than Tuesday? WEDNESDAY, when President Barry started doing stuff. man this is such a boss picture...

that's just about it. so let's end on a...

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