Wednesday, November 25, 2009

gobble gobble?

so i know most of you, dear readers, are preparing for your personal day of thanks (my favorite holiday, for what it means today, not for the what actually happened between the Pilgrims and Indians all those years ago).

anyhow, a friend shared this (edited, sadly) video clip of a talk Michael Pollen (
Omnivore's Dilemma, etc) gave at the recent PopTech conference. seriously, please watch, share, and think:

PopTech 2009: Michael Pollan from PopTech on Vimeo.

if you find any of this interesting - go rent and watch Food, Inc. it might be one of the more important movies you watch this season (besides, of course,
New Moon). and if you can afford it (which i know most of you CAN, please consider some personal sacrifice to your current eating habits, and VOTING WITH YOUR FORK).

have a happy thanksgiving, from the entire team at

...and a very special thanksgiving no-prize to the first reader who can name EVERY character named in the above picture (even the ones you can barely see)

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