Tuesday, March 03, 2009

(more to come)

i know, i know, it's been a while since ANY decent posts of substance. for now you'll have to deal with a few cool nerdy images i've pulled down in recent weeks.

this one simply blew me away:

this one left the Trekker in me smiling:

this one re-educated me on the capital of Poland from 1038-1596:

this one reminded me, that as much as i'm a big fan of
President Barry, even HE has to deal with the real devils that are out there in our system:

there are some real posts coming, i promise. in fact, i've gotten several thoughts/premises scribbled down (yea, i know you've heard THAT one before). here's a taste of what's most recently been on on my mind:
-examining the multi-generational appeal of bed & breakfasts
-kookie inventions that i predict we will see in our lives
-examining the supposed collapse of the printed media

until then, enjoy a slow-mo walk thru NYC (not as provocative as the still below would indicate, honest!):


  1. what's the superman one from? love it.

  2. i had JUST thought about putting a book link to it when you commented:

    from a kurt busiek superman trade i recently got from the library. story is decent. follows superman around for a brief period when he was powerless (2006/07). this scene is RIGHT after he gets his powers back.

  3. Cool video at the end there Raman...


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