Tuesday, April 21, 2020

MODERN Minorities - a podcast.

Last year i started thinking about race (more). 

wrote an op-ed that i chose NOT to publish in my hometown paper (a longer consideration). More recently, a close friend (KP) recently said "If all you're saying is 'I'm not part of the problem,' then I guarantee you, you're part of the problem." Basically, a provocative way of saying "work on solutions."

Let me back up. I’ve always thought about race, but it’s been in the back of my head more in recent years. Maybe because I’m now a dad. Maybe it’s the prevailing tone we now find in our society.

So I embarked on a very personal project, which has become a very public podcast, as of today.

Model MODERN Minorities is a podcast where we speak with many different folks about work and life thru the lens of race, gender, etc.

Alongside my longtime NY industry pal Sharon, we’ve recorded and mixed 15+ episodes, and have lots more conversations scheduled (entrepreneurs, corporates, athletes, reporters, politicians, entertainers - of all stripes). The first 3 episodes are live, and you can subscribe here. These are serious, interesting conversations, but there is also humor, some sadness, and most of all - honesty. 

This project is important to me - but not because it's mine. If anything, I shied from putting my name on it, but someone’s name HAS to be on it. What's important is that these stories need to be heard.

To me, the big problem has often been a lack of empathy and understanding. Perhaps because we don’t hear each other’s stories enough. Which naturally presents the solution. The more we hear each other’s stories, the more understanding we create out there. And then things get better. Maybe slower than I’d like, but this is my way of putting my foot on the gas pedal of life.

So I hope you’ll listen (and subscribe) to our podcast, Model MODERN Minorities

PS: Some of you already know, I actually have another podcast launching next week, along a similar vein (stories) with a more professional angle. Don't worry, I won't be bugging as many of you about it =)

PPS (Aug'20): a few months after launching we changed our name from "Model Minorities" to "MODERN Minorities." Lots of reasons, we even recorded an episode about it :)

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