let's begin, shall we?
some disturbing PhotoShop work from some random guy:
more PhotoShop work taken from somewhere else, this time with an old-timey model [ba]T vibe:
keeping with the caped-crusader theme, some cover art from a recent issue of a Grant Morrison Batman series i'm reading. while the color does bring it to life. the black & white is really quite brilliant by itself:
speaking of awesome black & white (and keeping with the comics theme), behold the following wonderous image of my friend Norrin Radd of Zenn La (aka the Silver Surfer):
an then there was the time that Popeye had to lay down the whupass on Namor, the sub-Mariner (Marvel Team Up #531):
also from the House of Ideas archives, behold, the Grimm-stache:
and because all the kids are on "the Facebooks" these days, i thought i'd give you a glimpse of what's REALLY going down in there. sadly, none of these guys accept my friends requests. that doesn't keep me from FB-stalking them (although none of this is probably funny to all your non-nerds with "friends" and "hobbies", who play "sports" "outside"):
speaking of NERDS. this is one of the places you do want a nerd (that can use a lightsaber) - THE WHITE HOUSE:
keeping with the Star Wars motif, the most awesomeest school bus in a galaxy far, far away:
and while we're talking advanced robotics, behold quite possibly the BEST PUMPKIN EVER (origin de punkotron):
more robots, you say? sadly, the PunkoTron doth not (why am i talking like this?) come from my neighborhood. this was the best we could find (seriously, from just down the street in Tarrytown):
speaking of robots. nothing cool ever happens in the U-S-of-A. but you know where the cool shit goes down? JAPAN (take that crop-circles):
and to bring it back from the far east to the east coast - i think 7-11 is launching a marketing campaign with the adorable Japanese domo character (as seen on this discarded coffee cup, which i found on the ground, and left there for the sake of other passer-by's photo-art, excess kitten control, and of course, monster biodegradation):
also in local news, i found the most awesomest library in my county (that also doubles as the headquarters for a superhero team). i'm not biased bc they have EIGHT SHELVES of graphic novels.
classing it up a notch, some graphic designer he'd be all "cool" by rebranding some classic Hitchcock:
speaking of hi-class art:
keeping it snooty, see the desktop screenshot taken from Windows 7. someone who already has it, please tell me if this is a standard background, or was the WIRED reviewer just a huge Chris Sickles fan (who donated all the studio art for Happen Northside)
recently a friend decided to outsource her auntly (in law) duties to me, by sending her friend Flat Stanley to me in NY. at my next foray into the cities wonders, i brought my good friend Stanley along. more of the pictures of Stanley's tribulations can be found here:
so that's all for this [insert average duration of time between raman's random foto-posts]. i leave you with the following thought:
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