- amended/finished my taxes (usually not a good idea when you accidentally input your salary twice).
- listened to new [to me] albums by miles davis and mason jennings.
- paid off the monthly credit card bill.
- checked on my roommates' bills using billmonk.
- contributed to my 2007 and 2008 Roth IRAs (you should too).
- dropped an overdo lump sum into my HSBC (was not saving in Asia) AND setup recurring deposits.
- started investigating refinancing my home.
- made another contribution to my preferred presidential candidate.
- read the latest volume of Ultimate Spider-Man (still the consistently best title on the racks).
- finished the last 10 issues of Y: the last man.
- got another 2 stars on Super Mario Galaxy (quite possibly, the greatest game ever made).
- updated my blog.
- emailed my mom.
- updated my movies spreadsheet
- updated my Visual Bookshelf
- finally watched the season premier of Lost (online)
man, what will they think of next?
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