Wednesday, June 25, 2008

fair & balanced? vero possumus.

[this post is dedicated to my current token Republican friend/roommate, and the squatter that took his place when he was living in Brussels]

Barry, Barry, Barry... dude. seriously. what are you doing? didn't you see my earlier post condoning Hil's bad behavior? and then i have to go read this in CNN...?
Obama asks contributors to help Clinton with debt

(CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama has asked top contributors to help his former rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Hillary Clinton, retire her debt, an Obama campaign source said Tuesday.

Obama did not direct members of his National Finance Committee to contribute to Clinton's campaign, the source said, but asked them to do so if they were so inclined.

Clinton suspended her campaign and endorsed Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination this month.

She has amassed a campaign debt of about $22 million, but about $12 million of that is money the New York senator loaned to the campaign herself.

Individual donors can contribute $2,300 to individual candidates.

Clinton and Obama have scheduled a joint campaign appearance Friday in Unity, New Hampshire.

Obama said Tuesday that he had spoken with Clinton by phone earlier in the day as well as on Sunday.

"We had a good conversation," he said. "We're looking forward to seeing each other tomorrow and campaigning on Friday."

and that's not all. i mean i "get" the finance reform thing, but even our pal Jon had to call you out on it (among other things, the seal, really?):

he even brought out his new correspondent to try to explain it (albeit humorous, as always):

sigh. seriously man. you know i love you. but you're making it hard for me.

your pal (and supporter),


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