let's talk about that a bit more. i'll have you know, that my good friend Barry is NOT the first black guy the American people have accepted as their president.

i'm not going to go there. in fact, i'm really not a fan of 24 (moreso bc i USED to be, until i realised the plots were contrived, and recycled. sadly, it took me FOUR SEASONS to get there, but that's another post. ).
in truth, probably the most distinguished black President we ever had was President Tom Beck, played by Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact (1998):
...his voice still gives me [reassuring and comfortable] chills, whether it's biding his time in jail or following a bunch of penguins around.
but how can we EVER ignore the sheer presence of President [of the United Federated Territories] Lindberg, played by Tommy "Tiny" Lister in Luc Besson's amazing the 5th element (1997):

and finally, for the sake of ABSOLUTE completion, let's not forget President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, played by former NFL linebacker Terry Crews in Idiocracy (2006):

though despite all of the above distinguished gentleman's country/world/universe saving, none of those who came before to portrayed the Commander-in-Chief could do the ONE THING that has captured the heart & minds of all of us at RamanCoke.com...
a team-up with his childhood buddy, the Amazing Spider-Man!

now let's hope that the real thing is even better than it is in fiction. i've got my fingers crossed (but am pretty sure i don't have to)...
Personally I'm a fan of "all of us at RamanCoke.com" and the Obama-Spidey fist bump.
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